Organizational development
We focus on strengthening preconditions within the organization in order to create a sustainably motivating work environment. Among other things, we offer support in developing a supported vision, optimizing internal communication and decision-making, implementing sustainable change, setting up participatory projects, designing a motivating evaluation policy, etc.
Leadership development
We focus on strengthening the knowledge and skills of leaders and their teams to adopt a more motivating mindset and approach. We support organizations in installing a company culture in which employees feel good, can cooperate constructively and achieve good results.
A structured learning line in function of maximum positive impact
How can we help your organization?
During a keynote or inspiration session, participants are introduced to the basic principles about motivation and leadership. Through interactive exercises and real-life examples, we provide a common language to talk about motivation and growth of people and what it takes to create a motivating working environment.
Through a scan, we assess motivation and leadership within your organization. A scan aims to uncover strengths and growth opportunities for the organization and to give direction to initiatives that help effectively unlock the potential of leaders and the organization.
We offer a variety of theme-specific tailored training programs to strengthen leaders in mastering a motivating basic attitude and motivating leadership skills. During our programs, we work with concrete case material and examples of both success stories and situations that the participants currently experience as difficult. We pay attention to both the preventive and remedial role of motivating leadership.
We support organizations and leaders in their professional development through intervision, coaching and customized consulting. We offer tailor-made guidance in creating a motivating work environment for oneself and others.
'we walk our talk' as our hallmark
Our approach
In our trajectories, we consciously choose a structured learning line with multiple (brief) contact moments. We strive for a strong anchoring of what is learned that goes beyond the knowledge level.
Right from the start of a program, participants are encouraged to apply what they have learned through practical assignments (i.e. 'practice by doing').
Each contact moment we build on their experiences and work out the next step in their growth process.
In our approach, we strive for a maximum alignment with the learning needs and learning pace of the participants. In that respect, the 'teach as you preach' principle is our adagio, whereby the proposed motivating approach is also used by our team throughout the entire course of the program.
core principles of our approach
Why our approach works
Throughout our programs, we empower participants; they are at the helm of their own learning process. We make an analysis of the current company culture and see our participants as the experts in their work context. We assist them in setting an appropriate course for their professional development.
Participant and trainer/coach commit to nurturing the growth of the participant and the organization from a shared responsibility. To this end, we seek to connect with the perspective of the participant in order to broaden the view on motivating leadership and a motivating company culture.
We create a safe and structured learning environment. During the contact moments, we provide a common language and we introduce principles and methodologies through experiential learning.
We invite participants to apply what they have learned to their own case. Participants choose which case to share, analyze or prepare. In this way, we connect to the learning opportunities that participants identify for themselves.
We encourage participants to formulate concrete actions that they will work on in between sessions. The participants themselves decide which actions to take and how to shape them.
We focus not only on what can be sharpened, but also on what is already going well and can therefore be reinforced or expanded. We draw on motivation psychology and the principles of appreciative inquiry, starting from success experiences to shape future actions.
By means of assignments in between sessions and self-formulated actions, we create a concrete expectation to experiment with what has been learned in one's own work context. In this way, we stimulate continuous learning and give a push to transfer what has been learned to the work context.
We pay attention to the learning curve and learning pace of participants. By not leaving too much time between contact moments and still allowing enough time for experimentation and reflection, adjustments or changes can be made quickly where necessary.
We focus on learning from and with each other by creating sufficient room for reflection and exchange of experiences.
Ghent University Spin-Off
Impetus Academy was founded as a spin-off from Ghent University to support companies and educational institutions with the aim of generating maximum positive impact for individuals and organizations.
Science at our fingertips with Self-Determination Theory
Grounded in the solid evidence-based framework of Self-Determination Theory, we support and guide organizations based on the latest theoretical and empirical insights in the field of motivation psychology.