As a spin-off of Ghent University, we guarantee a qualitative and evidence-based service and working method.
Our central objective is to translate scientific knowledge into practice in an applied, accessible and understandable way, taking into account the specific needs of both employees and leaders .
Our services are integrally grounded in the Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Ryan & Deci, 2017), a strongly scientifically valid theory on human motivation, whose relevance to the workplace has already been demonstrated many times.

cross-fertilization as a starting point
Interaction between science and practice
Because of our spin-off construction, in which intellectual property from Ghent University was transferred under an exclusive license to Impetus Academy, we have a strong connection with the academic field. This ensures that our services are always based on the latest scientific insights and evolve along with new theoretical and empirical developments in science.
As a spin-off, we are at the source of the latest scientific research on Self-Determination Theory and its application in various contexts. Indeed, the founding of Impetus Academy resulted from years of scientific research by Dr. Nathalie Aelterman, who was at the cradle of the impetus360 leadership compass, and Prof. Maarten Vansteenkiste, one of the world's leading and most cited scientists in the field of motivation psychology.
Where scientific evidence is lacking, we set up our own scientific research or collaborate with research groups of (inter)national academic institutions to answer practice-based questions. This creates an interaction between science and practice: new scientific insights provide oxygen for practice, and - conversely - practice also provides ideas and data for further research.
scientific valorization with a social purpose
Our social commitment
By setting up a spin-off, we also aim for social commitment. Thus, part of our turnover flows back to Ghent University in the form of royalties and the data collected are valorized in scientific publications.