The impetus360 leadership compass was recently developed, in collaboration with the Department of Developmental, Personality and Social Psychology at Ghent University, to map out leadership from a helicopter perspective.
The impetus360 leadership compass shows the interrelationship between different motivating and demotivating leadership styles in a two-dimensional model or circumplex.
The eight leadership styles in the compass were determined based on literature review and empirical research on which leadership behaviors are supportive of employees' basic needs for autonomy, belongingness and competence, and which leadership behaviors are undermining these needs.
What does the impetus360 leadership compass have to offer?
The impetus360 leadership compass is...
... a dynamic model
... a dynamic model
The leadership model can expose recognizable pitfalls in leadership and allows to find a constructive alternative in the overlying style. The compass thus provides guidance on what alternative courses of action are available in situations that are not running (so) smoothly. The model also shows that, depending on the specific situation, you can stand in one or more leadership styles.
... a practically applicable model
... a practically applicable model
The leadership compass offers a number of distinctive building blocks for each leadership style, whose motivating impact has been scientifically proven. These building blocks contribute to the practical applicability of the leadership compass because they provide a language for understanding what is running smoothly, identifying where there is room for growth and determining what concrete actions can be taken.
... a developmental model
... a developmental model
The leadership compass is always used as a growth and development-oriented tool to support and guide leaders and organizations in their further professionalization, and is therefore by no means evaluative. Through a leadership scan, leaders can rate themselves on each leadership style in the compass. This allows them to reflect on their current degree of (de)motivating leadership ('Where am I today?') and also exposes possible vulnerabilities and opportunities for growth. In addition, the perspective of employees can also be included so that any discrepancies between the perceptions of leaders and their employees can be exposed. In this way, the leadership compass acts as a mirror. It makes clear in a direct and accessible way that the intended leadership style is not necessarily perceived as such by employees, which offers a starting point for leaders and organizations to shape their course for professional development.
... a sparse model
... a sparse model
The leadership compass provides a useful tool for understanding, analyzing and explaining events within your organization. Although the compass is primarily used for leadership development, it is equally a useful tool for understanding and explaining how communication, change implementation, evaluation systems, etc. affect the ABC needs and motivation of employees. This has the advantage of being able to work from one scientifically valid model for different topics.