a reliable partner in unlocking growth potential
Our vision
Working adults spend on average between 25% and 33% of their waking hours at work. Whether employees enjoy working, or experience their work as a necessary evil and chore has important implications not only for their vitality and well-being, but also for the quality of their work.
In a work context that is constantly changing and a society that challenges us to provide ever faster answers to society's most diverse needs and questions, a motivating company culture and an analysis of psychosocial risks are crucial. Organizations that focus on the motivation of their employees manage to retain their workforces better and are more successful. They are more agile, innovative, profitable and more productive.
From a strong belief in the growth potential of every individual and every organization, we want to be a qualitative and reliable partner for organizations in realizing this ambition.
maximum impact as a goal
Our mission
Our mission is to work with organizations from various sectors to create more motivating company cultures and, after analyzing psychosocial risks and growth opportunities, among other things, to generate maximum positive impact for individuals and the organization.
As a spin-off of Ghent University, we aim to play a connecting role in bringing science and practice closer together.
Based on a solid scientific framework on motivation and leadership, we want to be a catalyst in translating the latest theoretical and empirical insights from science into practical tools that are directly applicable in the workplace.